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 Advances in ethical stem-cell research are being celebrated in the Feb. 28, 2008, edition of The New England Journal of Medicine.


"Recent studies have created a great deal of excitement," Dr. Douglas R. Higgs writes. "They show that fully differentiated somatic cells (such as skin fibroblasts) can be reprogrammed to make cells similar to embryonic stem cells."

The IFRL is the largest grassroots pro-life organization in Illinois. A non-profit organization, that serves as the state coordinating body for local pro-life chapters representing thousands of Illinois citizens working to restore respect for all human life in our society. The IFRL is composed of people of different political persuasions, various faiths and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. Since 1973 the Illinois Federation for Right to Life has been working to end abortion and restore legal protection to those members of the human family who are threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. Diverse though we are, we hold one common belief - that every human being has an inalienable right to life that is precious and must be protected. IFRL is dedicated to restoring the right to life to the unborn, and protection for the disabled and the elderly.   Click here to learn more about the IFRL.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Medical Journal Lauds Ethical Stem-Cell Advances, Blasts Cloning

In other words, adult cells can be induced to act like embryonic stem cells. Such cells have been used to treat sickle-cell anemia in mice and show promise for treating humans one day soon.


Higgs says hopes for embryonic stem cells have been "dampened by both technical and ethical problems."


He goes on to criticize human cloning: "Perhaps, not surprisingly, the technical difficulties and ethical complexities of this approach were always likely to render it impractical."


Source: CitizenLink