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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Abortionist: I cancel human souls before they become babies


Former Clinton OB-GYN makes admission in e-mail


An abortionist who claims to have destroyed more than 20,000 unborn children and who once was Hillary Clinton's OB-GYN says he is doing "God's work" when he terminates a pregnancy.


"Embryos and fetuses spontaneously aborted – most, but not all of those 'canceled' by 'God' – are ... luckless human souls," wrote William Harrison, referring to an ancient poem describing the plight of mankind. "But a few spontaneous abortions occur in desired pregnancies with no discernable abnormalities. For those girls and women and their families whose circumstances would make their babies 'luckless human souls,' I 'cancel' them before they become babies."


Harrison's comments came in an e-mail to Warren Throckmorton, whose work has been published by journals of the American Psychological Association, the American Mental Health Counseling Association and the Christian Association for Psychological Studies. He documented his exchange with Harrison on his blog.


"In this e-mail exchange, Hillary Clinton's former OB-GYN and abortionist William Harrison admits that abortion kills a human soul. He euphemizes the language a bit but the effect is chilling by saying he is doing 'God's work,'" Throckmorton told WND. "I was surprised he would admit this in the context of the new South Dakota law but here he is acknowledging that abortionists cancel innocent human life."


The exchange arose recently after the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a South Dakota law that requires doctors to tell women seeking an abortion the procedure "will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being" can be enforced.


"The bottom line is if the state Legislature orders a professional to tell the truth, that's not a violation of the First Amendment,” Throckmorton quoted South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long as saying. Long is defending the law in court.


On the other side, Sarah Stoesz, president of Planned Parenthood for Minnesota and the Dakotas, said the law is about "imposing compelled speech" on doctors.


"It is about intruding in the doctor-patient relationship," she said.


Throckmorton said there were two issues, prescribing professional speech and the accuracy of that speech. Prescribing speech is relatively common, he noted, with many states requiring some types of doctors "to provide a disclosure statement … regarding services and means of handling complaints."


The second issue, however, he wondered about.


"The South Dakota statement is very specific and no doubt is intended to discourage abortions," he said. "Pro-life advocates are united that abortion ends a life, hence their opposition to abortion. But what do pro-choice doctors believe? To get this perspective, I consulted noted abortion doctor and friend of Hillary Clinton, Dr. William Harrison."


"I e-mailed Dr. Harrison regarding the South Dakota law. … I asked him if the South Dakota statement was accurate," Throckmorton wrote.


Harrison's reply started: "Life is being terminated when a male wears a condom, or has a wet dream or 'spills his seed of life on the ground' or in someone's mouth or anus. Or when he ejaculates into the vagina of a woman who isn't ovulating or is post menopausal. The sperm are alive until they die. And the egg is alive until it dies. Each is a unique human life, etc. … The only reason the S.Dakota leg passed that law was to either make a girl or woman who was not prepared to have a baby have that baby, or to make her suffer as much emotionally as they could."


Harrison said the legislation is "designed solely to increase human suffering."


Then Harrison forwarded to Throckmorton a letter he'd written to a newspaper editor on the issue. He specifically addressed the question of whether pro-abortion campaigners ever "lament … the loss of the unborn."


"Anyone who has delivered as many babies as I have, and has seen hundreds of living and dead embryos and fetuses being spontaneously aborted as have I, knows exactly what we are doing when we provide an elective abortion for our patient. We are ending the life of an embryo or a fetus. Not the life of a person, but certainly a creature that might have become a person under other circumstances. When I am asked this question, I always go back to two of the most insightful and beautiful verses of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khyyam," Harrison wrote.


He then quoted the ancient poem:


    Oh, if the world were but to recreate

    That we might catch ere closed the Book of Fate

    And make the Writer on a fairer leaf

    Inscribe our names, or quite obliterate.


    Better, oh, better cancel from the Scroll

    Of universe one luckless Human Soul,

    Than drop by drop enlarge the Flood that roars

    Hoarser with Anguish as the ages roll.


"When Omar wrote his beautiful and treasured poem over a thousand years ago, mankind had no way of safely canceling 'from the scroll of universe one luckless human soul' whose numbers make up that flood of howling anguish; at least, no way of canceling it without risking also the life of the woman carrying it. In this day of medical marvels and, hopefully, ever increasing social justice, we possess such a way," Harrison boasted.


He continued that those who do the "cancelling" actually "are doing God's work."


Said Throckmorton, "I am still reflecting on his response but I think he and I have different ideas of what preventing a life/soul is. For him, it appears that prevention ranges from preventing conception to preventing a birth, whereas, I see the fetus as a human soul, luckless or not." 


Contact: Bob Unruh

Source: WorldNetDaily

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